Kivu Struggles
Written By Michael McKinney, December 2022 My experiences with various Haplochromine species of Lake Kivu cichlids.

Thoughts related to maintaining species from different geographical locations in the same aquarium.

Overstocking AND Compatibility
Thoughts on considering a couple aspects of maintaining species to encourage spawning.

Lake Mweru Species Update
My experience with Lake Mweru species began in August 2018 when the NECA worked with Oliver Lucanus to bring in a shipment of fish from...

Lake Barombi Mbo Species Tank Update
My initial experience with Lake Barombi Mbo cichlids dates back to 1997, just after Aquatic Promotions featured an article in the July...

Wild-caught Hemichromis fasciatus bonding
Will Lujan writes in our Facebook group: "I'm an addict of the Hemichromis 5 Spot species which consists of Hemichromis Elongatus,...
NECA March 2017 Newsletter
The March 2017 newsletter is now available, featuring the following articles: Peter George, "Cichlids on my mind" Gregg Steeves,...
NECA, C.A.R.E.S., and you
NECA is now a C.A.R.E.S. organization, and we're beginning the process of involving as many of our members as possible in this worthwhile...
NECA April 2015 Newsletter
The April 2015 newsletter is now available. This newsletter features the following articles: Peter George, "Cichlids on my mind" Mike...
NECA March 2015 Newsletter
The March 2015 newsletter is now available. This newsletter features the following articles: Peter George, "Cichlids on my mind" Jim...